Travel & Hospitality:
The Importance of a
Superior CX Journey

KM2 Solutions Nearshore outsourcing call center services

September 2023
[UPDATED: November 2023]

As we enter the winter holiday season, we are reflecting on some of the key pain points that customers can experience throughout their travel journey. Travelers often find themselves contending with a range of common frustrations, from delayed or canceled flights to missed reservations or issues with accommodations. While vacations promise reunions, relaxation, and exploration, these aggravations can test the patience of even the most enthusiastic traveler.

The travel & hospitality sector is a diverse and dynamic one, encompassing airlines, hotels & accommodations, cruise lines, tour operators, travel agencies, car hire, and more. It is also heavily influenced by a variety of factors, such as weather, economic conditions, and global events, which impact not only how people book, explore, and engage in travel-related activities but also how the sector responds when adverse events occur.

With travel experiences inherently subject to a multitude of variables and unexpected problems, one issue can lead to a domino effect, with the potential to present travelers with a cascade of inconveniences.

Common Pain Points Facing the Modern Traveler:

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Ground Transportation Issues: 
Ground transportation issues have the potential to disrupt even the most meticulously crafted itineraries. Delays, congested roads, and unforeseen detours can conspire to jeopardize timely arrivals at airports, train stations, or bus terminals. This can lead to missed connections, altered schedules, and heightened stress for travelers.
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Long Lines to Check-In/Security:
Long lines at airport check-in and security checkpoints can be a source of significant inconvenience for travelers. From the tedious process of waiting to the anxiety-inducing uncertainty of whether one will make it to their gate on time, the inefficiencies of these lines can put a damper on the overall travel experience and can lead to missed flights and disrupted schedules.

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Flights Delays/Cancellations:
Flight delays and cancellations are perhaps the most frustrating and widely reported travel-related issues, casting a shadow of uncertainty over travelers’ plans. These disruptions ripple through itineraries, causing missed connections and altered schedules, and can leave passengers navigating a complex web of rebooking flights, accommodations, and other rearrangements, all while contending with mounting stress.
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Lost Luggage:
Lost luggage at the airport can profoundly impact a traveler’s journey. This setback necessitates not only immediate practical solutions but also valuable time spent on reporting and tracking the lost baggage. The ripple effect extends to disrupted itineraries, missed experiences, and a constant underlying sense of worry. Replacing items can result in unexpected expenses, and the emotional toll of the situation can overshadow the joy of travel.
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Accommodation Issues:
Travelers often grapple with a spectrum of accommodation issues that can cast shadows over their trips. As flights get rescheduled and connections get missed, carefully planned itineraries must also change. Reservation mishaps, such as overbooked rooms or lost reservations, can also occur, as can last-minute cancellations or changes made by the accommodation provider, forcing travelers to find alternative places to stay at the eleventh hour.
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Missed Events or Activities:
Altered schedules mean that activities and appointments at the destination must also be re-arranged or even missed entirely. Whether it’s a scheduled business meeting, a guided tour, a family gathering, or a much-anticipated cultural event, delayed travel can disrupt carefully crafted itineraries. These setbacks force individuals to recalibrate their plans, potentially resulting in missed opportunities, altered schedules, and a sense of disappointment.
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Increased Expense Due to Changes/Delays:
Travel changes or delays can trigger a surge in unexpected expenses, disrupting budgetary plans. Extended layovers, rebooked flights, or last-minute accommodation arrangements can inflate costs significantly. Rushed meals at airports or additional transportation expenses due to changed itineraries further strain wallets. Missed nonrefundable reservations for tours, activities, or accommodations amplify the financial impact.
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Hidden Fees & Charges:
Airlines, hotels, and car rental companies are notorious for tacking on additional costs that might not be immediately apparent during booking. Baggage fees, seat selection charges, and service fees can quickly accumulate, significantly increasing the cost of travel. Similarly, hotels may surprise guests with resort fees that cover amenities initially presumed to be included. Car rental companies often present travelers with extra insurance charges and fuel fees. These hidden costs not only strain travelers’ budgets but also erode trust and transparency in the travel industry.

Invariably, when any of the above issues arise, the first port-of-call for the traveler is to contact customer service. A good CX partner can help alleviate these frustrations through well-executed and empathetic customer service. Successful customer interactions during such moments can not only remedy the immediate problem but also have lasting impacts on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Effective customer service can turn a negative experience into a positive one, showcasing the company’s commitment to addressing travelers’ concerns and going the extra mile to ensure their comfort and well-being.

With Christmas and the New Year already on the horizon, now is the time for travel and hospitality companies to reevaluate their CX capabilities and build strategies to ensure their ability to address travelers’ needs. With so many unpredictable variables that can disrupt the best-laid travel plans, there will never be a guarantee of smooth, seamless, and stress-free travel. Companies can, however, mitigate the fallout from these disruptions by partnering with a trusted and effective CX partner.

KM² Solutions represents some of the top travel and hospitality companies in the U.S., helping solve these problems and increase customer loyalty even through challenging scenarios. Travelers who feel heard, understood, and assisted in times of difficulty are more likely to share positive reviews, recommend the service to others, and consider using it again in the future. Ultimately, in an industry built on experiences and memories, commitment to exceptional customer service when issues arise becomes a powerful tool for building trust, reputation, and enduring customer relationships.

About KM² Solutions

KM² Solutions ( KM2 Solutions ) operates contact centers throughout the Caribbean and Latin America, providing outsourced inbound and outbound customer service contact services for voice, chat, email, and mobile. KM² Solutions provides these services to clients in financial services, multi-unit healthcare, insurance services, travel & hospitality, eCommerce, technology & telecommunications, home services, and other sectors. The company provides clients with a host of solutions, including customer support and care, telesales & retention, claims management & processing, appointment setting & schedule management, loan origination & verifications, back-office processing, and technical support. KM² Solutions maintains PCI DSS compliance, completes a SOC 2 audit annually, and has a Compliance Management System that meets the FDIC standards.

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